Ways To Tell The Economy Is Coming Back

Although we are still in a pandemic, there is light at the tunnel and there are ways to tell that the economy is coming back pretty strong - for now.

Hopefully we will continue to see our economy do well in the upcoming months now that restrictions are beginning to ease up. Here are some key indicators:

Airplanes are filling up, and fares are expensive again.

Vacation home sales are booming - people want to get away and enjoy in other areas after being home for about 15 months.

Lipstick sales are up - ladies (and some fellas) are buying lipstick now that the mask mandates are being relaxed.

People are buying dresses again - time to put those leggings and sweatshirts in the back of the closet because getting back out in public is increasing.

Stores are dropping the mask mandate and fitting rooms are now open for most retailers.

Companies are encouraging employees to come back to work in the office.

Job openings are plentiful - I see "now hiring" signs just about everywhere.

Wedding season is back - no more virtual weddings, unless that's the ceremony that you prefer.

Aaaaaah, hopefully things will begin to turn around and we can get back on our feet in a financially healthy way.

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