Women's Equality Day Is Celebrated Across The Country Today

Who runs the world? Women. Okay, okay, I don't want to sound like this is a springboard for bashing men because it certainly is not. Today however is Women's Equality Day, a holiday that was originally about celebrating a woman's right to vote, but in 2019 there is so much more to it.

Women's Equality Day typically falls on Aug. 26th each year and is a celebration of women and the equality between men and women. There has been a long-standing debate on whether men and women can be equal and I'm not going to get into that, but I am happy that women are recognized with their contributions to society.

What is key in the recognition of this day is that it celebrates women's organizations all over the country, especially those that provide equal opportunities for women in education and employment. We could still use more advancement when it comes to women truly being "equal" with men when it comes to certain career opportunities, salary and some other things, but at least we are making some strides.

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