Old St. Pat's Church Says Bye To Its Annual Block Party

After 35 years of hosting the World's Largest Block Party, Old St. Pat's Church in Chicago is letting it go. But that doesn't mean there won't be any party going on, it just means it's time for a new event.

It may be difficult, however, for some to say so long to the party where thousands would come to enjoy great bands, music and good fellowship. As a matter of fact, scores of couples met at the Block Party and ultimately married. How cool is that?

Although it may be the end of an era for the World's Largest Block Party, it doesn't mean the party can't continue. Event organizers want you to get ready for the new event, "Shamrock'n The Block." It will be held on Desplaines Street on March 14. More details are on the way, but right now mark your calendars and get ready to enjoy -- especially my Irish friends.

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