Keep It Classy During All-Star Weekend Ladies

Chicago is bracing itself for a big weekend with the NBA All-Star festivities beginning tonight. Thousands of people will be coming to the Chi for the celebrity game among other activities and events scheduled throughout the weekend.

But ladies, please remember to keep it classy. Yeah, there will be many athletes and celebs on every side of town, but don't let your guard down, and don't fall for just anything. There will be lots of visitors who may not know the city, and there may be people who may try to take advantage of certain situations with so many people in town. Here are some tips to keep it classy and safe during All-Star Weekend:

  1. Dress appropriately; bitter cold temperatures are expected.
  2. Never go anywhere alone with somebody you just met or don't know.
  3. Travel in groups to the clubs and events.
  4. Do not drink to become inebriated, and never leave your drink unattended.
  5. Don't drink and drive.
  6. Make sure your ride-share driver states your name before you get in the vehicle.
  7. Watch your handbag and personal belongings at all times.
  8. Always carry your ID, drivers license or other form of identification.
  9. Let a family member or close friend know of your whereabouts.
  10. Carry some cash in case of an emergency.
  11. Look for the exit when you enter any building.
  12. Always be aware of your surroundings.

Enjoy the festivities this weekend and be careful!

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