Chicago's Douglas Park May Be Renamed After Another Douglass

The Chicago Park District Board voted unanimously to rename Douglas Park on the west side.

The park is currently named after Stephen A. Douglas who was a notorious advocate of slavery. And given today's racial climate, many want to see any reminders of racial inequality removed from our parks, such as statues and other symbols of racism.

Douglas Park would be renamed after Frederick Douglass who escaped from slavery, later becoming a national leader of the abolitionist movement where he fought for Civil Rights and empowered black people to take responsibility for their actions. If only we had a Frederick Douglass around to encourage us today with so much unrest and violence in our country!

I was honored to visit Mr. Douglass' home in Washington, D.C. and I actually stood in the room where he spent his quiet time where he could think and write. He was an amazing orator and so much more and it was such an honor to tour the home and learn more about him and his impact on race relations.

The board will visit the name change in the fall and I'm confident that the park will be renamed in Frederick Douglass' honor.

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