Is Chicago's ZERO Tolerance Parking Ticket Policy Fair?

On a trip to a southside Post Office, I witnessed Chicago's Parking Meter Attendants in rare form.

On the 7800 block of Cottage Grove there are Post Office locations on both sides of the street. The Post Office on the east side of the street handles usual Post Office business like shipping, stamps and P.O. Boxes. The one across the street handles package pickup's.

The line on the package pickup side was unusually long because we were all there for the same reason. Mostly all of us got tr

acking notifications that our packages were "Delivered" although the packages NEVER arrived.

Due to "social distancing" just two people were inside the Postal facility - and a line of at least 10 were outside on the sidewalk.

With everyone facing south - TWO Parking Meter Attendants were dropping fresh tickets on cars just a few feet behind us - touching distance

Now, would it be too much to ask if the kids writing the tickets would have said to the people in line to "move your car?"

They didn't - and the brother facing the camera in the above photo gave them a piece of his mind. One young attendant said "It's just a $70 dollar ticket". I asked that attendant "what if YOUR mother was standing in this line - would you write her a ticket - OR - say 'mom, you've got move your car." The Attendant Yes, I would write her a ticket too."

Considering the financial hardships brought on by COVID-19 in Chicago.... why are these walking Meter Attendants so quick to issue parking tickets? Will LAZ (the company that's sub-contracted by The City Of Chicago) disclose the ticket mandates placed on their workers?

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