It's a Creepy Night... and not just because it's Halloween!

Get ready for the sun to go down WAY earlier tomorrow and settle in for winter for real FOR REAL!

Daylight Saving Time ends tonight as our clocks turn back an hour around 2am… which many of us dreading because who wants another hour of 2020? Said nobody EVER! Plus, tonight is also a full moon night that falls on Halloween – and it’s our second full moon this month, making it a blue moon – so that makes all this extra spooky. EEK!

But, instead of focusing on the trainwrecks that could happen during this extra hour we’re getting on this blue moon – because you know it’s possible the way this year has been going, plus accidents are much more likely the Monday after the time changes anyway – let’s look on the bright side of ALL the good things that we could do with this extra hour.

It’s an extra hour to sleep in… it’s an extra hour to make a great breakfast or workout and feel good the rest of the day… and best of all, it’s an extra hour to VOTE! (You knew I was going to get this in… you can get your vote in early this weekend and Monday then your last chance to vote is on Tuesday for the official Election Day!)

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