Black People Magic: Single Ladies Choreographer Makes History

Today’s Black People Magic celebrates the man who created the iconic moves of Beyonce’sSingle Ladiesvideo… now he’s making major business moves!

JaQuel Knight is well known for his work on Beyonce’s unforgettable Coachella performances, J-Lo & Shakira’s Superbowl Halftime show last year and Cardi B & Megan Thee Stallion’s WAP video. But now he’ll be known for making history… this week he became the first choreographer to copyright his work!

And it’s not just about his own work… JaQuel also formed the first company of its kind to protect the intellectual and creative property of dancers, called Knight Choreography and Music Publishing. The company will work like a music publishing house, brokering licensing deals and copyrighting the work of choreographers and other creatives in the industry, ensuring they get paid properly when their work is used.

JaQuel is out here making sure people can make a living doing what they – and we – love!

And remember to always celebrate your magic! xo

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