Black People Magic: Professor's Inspirational Historic First

I pray this story inspires everyone to see the gifts that they have, no matter what anybody says and don’t let anybody set your limits!

Jason Arday will soon become the youngest black professor ever in the history of England’s prestigious University of Cambridge. He joins a rare, special group… there are only 5 other black faculty at Cambridge, and less than 200 of the 23 thousand professors in the UK are black. 

And what makes it an even more amazing accomplishment, Jason was diagnosed with autism and global development delay at 3 years old, did not speak until he was 11 and did not read or write until he was 18. 

Jason’s mother helped him with his skills and self-confidence, as well as exposing him to a variety of music to help advance his learning. And he caught up fast, receiving two masters and a PhD degree in educational studies. 

Professor Arday starts his new job on Monday!

& Remember to always celebrate your magic! xo

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