This week is about some real Chicago Black People Magic!
Congratulations to Frank Logan, who will graduate from Harold Washington College next month after a 30-year break from school.
The 49-year-old saxophone-playing grandpa is already planning to head to a 4-year university next and eventually become a professor… inspired by a memory from high school. He said he never forgot the purpose he felt when he would take over class during his music teacher’s absence at Dunbar High – even though he admits he first started playing his horn to get attention from girls!
Frank had this to say, and I pray it inspires you, “It’s never too late. As long as God keeps giving you breath, there’s an opportunity to get off your backside and make it happen.”
Thanks to my girl Jamie Nesbitt Golden at Block Club Chicago for this amazing story… you can read more about Frank from her article at Block Club Chicago here.
Congratulations to all the graduates of City Colleges and all the area universities and schools... & remember to always celebrate your magic! xo