Why Jada?

My opinion, Jada is DRAGGING Will almost emasculating him in the scope of the public and I'm tired of it and it's embarrassing. Why is she doing this? Is it to sell her book? Is she really separated? and lastly, WHY? Why do this to a man that has changed your way of life. No matter how mad I could be to my husband, I wouldn't drag him like that and at this point, she has ZERO filter. I'm sorry Will.

Will released this statement:

“…I stand here before you today, I am happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life. I have achieved every single thing I have ever wanted in my entire life… all of the awards, all of the money, the family — everything I’ve ever dreamed,” the actor told the crowd. “And those dreams were largely built on the foundation of Jada’s sacrifices. There were many times when Jada put her career aside so I could follow the dreams of mine.”

Will you a good one...

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