Community Connect: Blood Drive & Recovery Celebration

Community Connect, is here to hook you up and help you out with resources you can use… this week, it's all about giving the gift of life today and celebrate recovery tomorrow!

New Covenant Harvest Kingdom of God Ministries in the Burnside neighborhood is hosting a block party this morning starting at 11am at the church at 1124 E. 93rd Street, Chicago. They’ve partnered with Community Blood Center (who are in special urgent need of O negative blood) for a blood drive along with health screenings and more. 

And tomorrow, non-profit Brighter Behavior Choices is celebrating its 18th anniversary as an intervention and recovery provider. The free event with entertainment, dancing, sober fellowship, raffles, food and more starts at 10am at the Dan Ryan Woods Forest Preserve, 83rd & Western in Grove 1. 

Remember, our community moves forward in the best way possible when we all get the help we need and give the help we can! 

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