Glenn Cosby

Glenn Cosby

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Bass Bombed In A Chicago Apartment - While Working At Home


I usually don't air out personal items on this platform - although as you read this, you'll see I had no choice. I've been living in my modest one bedroom apartment in a building that has 4 total units for the past 3 years. It was owned by a black woman - that sold it to brother. To his credit he did a major renovation of the two empty units.

The problem began after his "business partner" upgraded his sound system in September. It's earthquake bass that shakes the whole building! The noisy neighbor knocked on my door last month upset with my text messages asking him to turn down. When I opened the door he got all in my personal space - nose to nose - saying he's "business partners" with the owner and some other threatening things. So naturally I brought it up to the Owner - he came out and established some reasonable noise levels.

Slowly in the weeks to follow the bass got louder and louder. Saturday after complaining to the owner things boiled over and the neighbor/business partner began to crank it to the MAX. Every 30 minutes or so he's been making his point. That continued all day Saturday and into the night as I did the Saturday Night Steppers Set till 2am. Bass bombing continued yesterday and today. Let me stress that no one wants to call the Police but what would you do?


Most of us driving have experienced pulling up to a red light - your car windows can be rolled up when another car has their music jacked up so high that it drowns out YOUR radio and shakes your ride. Have you been in your house when a car rolls by with a system so massive - that it actually shakes your house?

Those are examples of momentary short form exposure. What happens when that massive rumbling comes from the apartment next door? There's an internet article from September that says: "The first thing is to understand what the actual problem is. The issue isn't the volume, it's the vibrations (though volume contributes to vibrations). Bass frequencies have long wavelengths that can travel through drywall, insulation, and the floor whereas a high frequency sound will be reflected back for the most part."

It's no exaggeration - that bass is so powerful that you feel your feet shaking like being in an earthquake. That mess can wake you up when you're sleeping. It will scramble your thoughts if your writing.

I would be the first to volunteer to participate in any health study on the topic. I believe that constant "bass abuse" is similar to a "blind side hit" in the NFL. Your body can't brace itself - and never see's coming - and BAM! The after effect is the feeling you get when getting off a ride at Six Flags.

Loud neighbors get ticked easily - with no respect for others that don't disturb them.

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