Jeanne Sparrow

Jeanne Sparrow

Listen to Jeanne Sparrow Saturdays 6am-12pm. Want to know more about Jeanne Sparrow? Get their official bio, social pages & articles!Full Bio


What's Happening This Weekend (8/11/18)

There’s ONE VERY BIG THING happening this weekend… and a bunch of other really good stuff too!

Beyonce & Jay-Z have taken over Soldier Field this weekend… they had a big sold out show last night and tonight they hit the stage at 7:30pm.  Last I checked Ticketmaster’s website, there were still some seats available so it’s not too late to see the most talked about tour of the year!

You can get your house on for free in Pilsen today and tomorrow… catch the My House Music Fest at Cermak & Morgan, featuring favorites from the Hot Mix 5 and many other classic Chicago house music DJs!

And Northalsted Market Days is this weekend in Boystown along Halsted from Belmont to Addison… Crystal Waters and Martha Wash are just a few of the big names performing tonight & tomorrow.  And it’s just a $10 donation at the gates.

Plus, both the Cubs & Sox are playing at home this weekend!

Whatever you choose, have fun… and don’t let me EVER hear you say you don’t have anything to do!

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