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Malnourished kids in 2022???

I was taken back when I heard about this story but was mortified when I actually saw the videos of the two teenagers. I saw the scared, I saw their abused bodies and in this day and age, this shouldn't happen but "it's happening".

Thank God for the lady that opened her door and helped them, fed them and called the police. We usually hear about these horrible stories in different states not knowing that it can happen in the next town from you.

Apparently, the two teens wee seen walking from house to house begging for help, it was cold out and one of them didn't have a shirt on. You can see the handcuff marks to prove they had been handcuffed to the dryer and was made to eat their own..... and was made to urinate and defecate on themselves....

What's more crazy, all of this was happening in a $600,000 home


Prison concept. Jail bars and handcuffs, dark background. 3d illustration

Photo: Getty Images

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