Holiday Safety, Guaranteed Income Pilots, and Congressional Elections

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City Safety

With the holiday season fast approaching, safety in the city of Chicago is once again a topic of concern. How safe is it to travel throughout the city, and what measures are being taken to protect Chicago citizens? With events such as the Millennium Park Tree Lighting ceremony, the Mag Mile Lights Festival, and Christkindl Market being popular for locals and tourists alike, Chicago officials are putting systems in place to keep crowds safe and secure as they celebrate together. Director of Community Policing Glenn Brooks joins us on Chicago Speaks this week to share which plans are set to ensure citizens are able to celebrate their holiday season worry-free.

Cook County Promise Guaranteed Income Pilot

Earlier this month, beginning October 6th, many Cook County residents jumped at the chance to apply for the Cook County Promise Guaranteed Income Pilot. Over the course of the two weeks the application was open, over 200,000 Cook County residents applied for only 3,250 available spots. Funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (or ARPA) has enabled Cook County to establish the $42 million Income Pilot and send monthly payments of $500 to 3,250 residents for two years with no strings attached. This program marks the historical move of Cook County taking one of the first steps in the American guaranteed income movement, and has stated their plan to make this program permanent in the coming years. Payments through the Cook County Promise Guaranteed Income Pilot are expected to begin December 2022, and anyone interested in learning more can visit

Congressional Elections

Finally, we’re taking time on Chicago Speaks this week to break down the results of the recent Congressional election. We’re joined by Jonathan Jackson: Congressman Elect for the 1st District, Robin Kelly: Congresswoman Elect for the 3rd District, and Danny Davis: Congressman Elect for the 7th District. Tune in this Sunday for a discussion of what the recent midterm elections mean, both for our present and our future.

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