Black Chicks Read! By Sundance

Black Chicks Read!

By Sundance.

We are already into the top of the summer and I don't know about most, but that's when I enjoy reading thee most!!!! Well, let me re-phrase that, I pretty much enjoy reading but it's something very calming about reading on the front porch sitting on the steps, sipping kool aid with pineapple chunks in it.

Black Chicks Read!

Here's my top 5 favorite books right now that I'm sharing and maybe you can pick up these books before the summer is out.

  1. Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
  2. Let Love Have The Last Say by Common
  3. Greatness Is Upon You by Eric Thomas
  4. Soar by TD Jakes
  5. 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

Think & Grown Rich by Napoleon Hill
Greatness Is Upon You by Eric Thomas
Soar by TD Jakes
48 Laws of Power by Robrt Greene

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