Are India.Arie And David Banner Going Steady?

Let me go ahead and start a rumor, it's a great rumor and I hope it's not just a rumor but fact. I posted this awesome video from India.Arie's latest single, "Steady Love" weeks ago, and when I first saw it I thought that she and David Banner looked really convincing as a couple. Then after really listening to the words of the song when I play it on my show every day I thought, "Wait a minute, are they in a relationship for real?"

Then Sunday at Taste of Chicago I was thumbing through social media and saw David Banner's Instagram post that he was in Chicago. He posted a perfect slice of deep dish pizza, which made me believe that perhaps he was not only in Chicago, but at Taste of Chicago where India.Arie was performing. Coincidence? Nah, no way.

Okay so I'm saying all this to say that I really hope India.Arie and David Banner are indeed a couple because they are both spiritual, laid back, socially and culturally-conscious and I just think they would be perfect together. Maybe time will tell if they are a couple or maybe not. But in my head I'm going to keep hoping they are.

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