Rats! Chicago Is Number One For Those Pesky Creatures

I can't stand rats. As a matter of fact, I get squirmy at the sight of just about any type of rodent. And unfortunately Chicago is ranked number one when it comes to that pesky little creature. Ugh ... how gross.

Rats are just about everywhere around the city -- even in places where you wouldn't think they would be. I have seen rats in alleys, under cars, crossing major expressways and right outside some of the most exclusive homes and restaurants in town. And what really gets me is that those stinkers aren't even scared of people or daylight. They are everywhere!

It's no wonder that Chicago claims the top spot when it comes to rats. Yup, we're sitting right on top of the ranking and that doesn't help my disdain of the icky things. Here's how other cities are looking when it comes to having the highest population of rats:

  1. Chicago
  2. Los Angeles
  3. New York City
  4. Washington, DC
  5. San Francisco

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