Some of America's Problems Can't Be 'Fixed' In Four Years

After reading through several posts and articles following the outcome of the election, I truly hope one day racists will realize that people who do not share their skin color also have a right to exist. Although the majority of Americans have proven that they want change in this country, it won't happen overnight.

There is a deep lining of systemic racism and injustice woven into the fibers of this nation that unfortunately may take generations to unravel. But it can happen. Racism is taught, period. And if those who continue to teach it can be reached, that is progress.

Races are mixing and the world is becoming full of people of color, and for whatever reasons there are those who are threatened by this. A threat? How is the color of skin even a threat?

No race is inferior to another because we all a part of the human race. Learn to accept and respect one another. We're different, but yet the same.

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