Even though we all know better, some of us are starting the new year feeling a little less than 100%.
Don't beat yourself up... hangovers happen. You’ll feel better eventually… but here are a few things that scientists say will work if you want to feel better quicker:
- Ginger Tea: good for nausea and balancing blood sugar levels
- Prickly Pear: good for dizziness, nausea and headaches
- Red Ginseng: reduces blood alcohol levels
- Siberian Ginseng: decreases symptoms and severity
Of course, lots of water, sleep and food help, too… or maybe just not drinking as much to begin with. But it’s a little late for that, huh? LOL
Find more ideas on preventing hangovers here and find a few natural cures here.
Feel better soon, so you can have a great start to 2019!