The 2019 spring equinox was this past Wednesday (3/20/19) and the full moon that went along with it had a lot of people I ran into that night feeling some kind of way… so I hope we’ve all gotten past that weirdness by now and can celebrate that spring has sprung!
Well, kinda… because it’s Chicago, it’s not easy to tell sometimes even if the calendar says it’s supposed to be a new season. So here are the 3 top ways we know for sure it’s spring in Chicago:
3 -- Ravinia announced their summer concert schedule last week, giving us something to count on and believe in because if you plan for summer, spring is bound to show up at some point in time… it probably wants to see Lionel Richie, Maxwell, Queen Latifah and Steely Dan too. (Tickets on sale now to donors, and May 7 & 8 to the general public!)
2 -- the snow is finally all melted away, even those last stubborn remnants in the corners of parking lots and by the fence in the backyard… revealing the Christmas decorations that STILL haven’t been taken down yet. (Ummm… it’s Lent and Easter is a few weeks away!)
1 -- it gets warm, then it’s cold, it’s rainy and could even snow… but at least it’s not 50 below!
Happy Spring!