Coronavirus/COVID-19 is here. And everything we’re hearing on the news and online can be scary.
But let’s go with this first rule: don’t panic. You should be concerned and it’s okay to be scared – I'm shook myself. It's normal to feel that way because this is something new for most of us and we don't know what's going to happen... and what we don't know might hurt us. But going overboard is never good for anybody in any situation, especially not one like this.
So, let's take care of ourselves and each other...
- If you’re not feeling good, stay home.
- Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.
- If you don’t have soap and water, use hand sanitizer.
- Try not to touch people… I know it’s hard, I’m a hugger and this is killing me.
- If you, a close friend or family member that you live with or see often is pregnant, over 60, has a compromised immune system or has a chronic disease like diabetes, asthma… stay healthy for them and be careful around others so you don’t carry anything back to them that wouldn’t bother you but could be devastating to them.
- Don’t watch the news all day… just check in once or twice a day. Any more could get overwhelming and stress is not good for you, your state of mind or your immune system.
To keep up with updates and best practices, check out the CDC website here and for local updates go to the Public Health Department websites for State of llinois here, Cook County here and the City of Chicago here.
Most of all… be well. We’re all we’ve got!