Governor Pritzker said this week that the state of Illinois is on track for more businesses and life activities reopening in a week… but it won’t be a completely free, open range or return to what we think of as "normal." We still need to take precautions because the 'Rona isn’t gone. The good news is, we have been doing things right because the rate of infection is slowing and continuing to trend downward, so Phase 3 of Restore Illinois will begin on May 29th.
That means that you will be able to gather in small groups of 10 or fewer people, get a haircut, mani/pedi, massage or tattoo, even go to a personal trainer or attend small fitness classes outside. State parks will also reopen but Chicago’s lakefront will remain closed.
Indiana opened salons on a limited basis last week and their beaches will be open this holiday weekend, but park rangers said they will close them down if they get crowded and people can’t social distance properly.
Governor Pritzker also made a surprise announcement that restaurants could partially reopen for outdoor dining only, but Mayor Lightfoot cautioned that businesses in the city may have more restrictions than the rest of the state, which makes sense with the population density here.
We're almost there... let’s continue to be safe!