Community Connect has resources you can use to keep your car safe and have some healthy fun for Cinco de Mayo!
Cinco de Mayo is tomorrow but you can run off the margaritas today at the annual Cinco de Miler 5 mile race, celebrating Mexico’s colorful culture and benefitting Gilda’s Club Chicago that provides free cancer support services. It’s half fun run/half “see how fast you can go” road race. It all starts at 8:30 am at Montrose Harbor and finishes under a 3-story tall piñata arch! After the run, there’s a party with music, food and more. If you are not able to participate you can still make a donation.
And if you own a Hyundai or Kia, you can get help at protecting your car from being stolen. Chicago Police Department partnered with the manufacturers to provide free anti-theft upgrades this weekend at Guaranteed Rate Field. It’s today from 8am- 6pm and tomorrow from 8am to 2pm. The upgrade includes steering wheel locks, software and key fobs. You don’t need an appointment… just take your Hyundai to Lot G and your Kia to Lot A. And if you can’t make it this weekend, the upgrades are available at Kia and Hyundai dealerships.
Remember, our community moves forward in the best way possible when we all get the help we need and give the help we can!