There’s an insane amount of things to do this first official weekend of summer… let’s get into What’s Happening This Weekend!
Today is the Juneteenth Sip & Soul Festival, A Trolley Tour Music Experience at 5:30pm sharp at the South Shore Social Beach Club with various venues, artists and vendors. Register online here to attend.
Today and tomorrow, it’s Chicago Pride Fest at North Halsted, along Halsted S from Addison to Grace. And Chicago’s Pride Parade is next Sunday June 30th.
For all my Prince Fans, tonight and tomorrow, I’m hosting “Take Me With U” – A Funky Purple Rain 40th Anniversary Experience at Aloft Circus Arts at Kimball and Wrightwood (3324 West Wrightwood Avenue)… it’s a live aerial arts performance celebrating the music of Purple Rain!
Justin Timberlake performs at United Center tonight…
Laugh with comedian TK Kirkland at the House of Blues tonight…
Tomorrow, Boyz to Men takes over the stage of the Hard Rock Casino in Gary...
& Looking ahead to next week:
Comedian Godfrey returns home to Chicago and performs at The Improv in Schaumburg, with shows starting Thursday night, running June 27th through 30th.
And indie film festival, Sundance Institute Chicago features 3 days of film screenings June 28th-30th including a film on the life of Luther Vandross and more.
Whatever you choose, have fun and don’t let me EVER hear you say you don’t have anything to do!